About Me

Hi my name is Abimbola Onimole.  I’m a Nigerian born African British female and according to the Chinese zodiac sign I’m a “Rooster” (just a useless fact about me).
I have never really referred to myself as a writer, mostly because I have not made a career out of it yet. However I recently decided that although I am yet to be published or acknowledged by the literary world; that does not diminish my passion for writing or my aptitude as a writer. 

I’m one of those people who although writing is intrinsically built into me, I had never pursued it.  Mostly because I thought my love for books and the world of literacy was just limited to being a spectator. It took awhile for me to understand that mentally writing a story around almost every scenario I see is not the norm, surely everyone saw the world the way I did. Understanding this is how I came to know what I was born to be. A writer, regardless of my publishing achievements to date, I am now and will always be a writer, which is why I started this blog, this blog is the beginning of my journey, I have no doubt I will face obstacles along the way. I’ll get frustrated and want to tear my hair out. There will be rejections and possibly missed opportunities. These things, like everything else in life will just add to my determination. It will spur me on and contribute to the endless material that I will contribute to the literary world.All the while I will be honing my skills and learning from those that have come before and those that are just starting out. I’ll listen to the advices and keep a keen eye on the world around me, while developing my ability to portray to the world in my unique way of seeing things.

There will be one constant in all of this, and that would be my never ending passion to write regardless of any difficulties. I hope at the end of my journey I will have come out of this as not only a published writer but also with a better understanding of the world around me. 

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