Tuesday 20 July 2010

Reflections of Me

I look in the mirror at my reflection

The lie of it so glaring, the image portrayed so untrue
Where is myself in it, the true reflection of me
Where is the confidence I feel, the belief in me
Where is my smile so big, the happiness in me
Where is the map of my achievements on my face, the strong person in me
The reflection I see, is a lie too huge to believe
I see emptiness, the lonely person in me
I see failures, the fear I won’t succeed
I see a person so different to me
The reflection I see, so completely unlike me.

1 comment:

  1. Very good piece! We want more!

    P.S:I sort of identify with this. However, i smashed the mirror and walked ahead. Now, the only reflection i see is the one in my mind, no fear, no lies, and certainly now twisted mirror.
